Church Life

Christmas Eve Services

Make plans to attend our Christmas Eve Services as part of your Christmas celebration this year.  Our Christmas Eve service is a reflective time of song, word, and communion as we focus our hearts together on Christ’s birth.  There will be services at 1:00pm, 2:15pm, and 3:30pm.
There will be no childcare during these services. 

Christmas Schedule 

There will be no Wednesday Night activities on December 18th, December 25th, and January 1st.  The church office will be closed December 24th to December 26th and December 31st to January 2nd.  

There will be Worship Services only on December 29th.   Children’s, Youth & Adult Sunday School classes will not meet.  Children’s Worship will meet at  9:30 a.m. Preschool will have classes/nursery available at all 3 hours.

Adult Church Basketball League

Are you looking for an opportunity to be active and to fellowship with other believers?  Join us for our Church Basketball League!  The cost is $25 per person.  Email if you have questions or register below. 

Better Together

Our next Women’s Ministry event, Better Together, is Sunday, January 5th at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This is a special night of worship for ALL women of Gilliam - youth to senior adults!   This event is also a great time to invite others from the community. Plan to join us and get connected!

Encounter Weekend 2025

Encounter Weekend is a DNOW event that will take place from Friday evening to Sunday morning February 14th - February 16th. This event will bring students together to worship, study the Word, and build relationships with each other in a way that our fast-paced world doesn’t often allow. Students will have a small group leader who will guide them and their group through the weekend, and they will stay together on Friday and Saturday night in a local host home. There will be laughter, growth, and friendships developed this weekend that will last a lifetime! Cost is $50 per student.  This event is for students in grades 6-12. You may register below.

Winter Life Groups 

Winter Life Groups begin on Sunday, January 12.  We will do a 6-week study on the book of Jonah by David Platt.  Visit the link below to find a group.

D Groups

If you've ever considered joining one of our D Groups, now's the time! Several of our existing groups will be starting new groups beginning in the new year. D Groups at Gilliam are made up of 4-8 people of the same gender who enter into a 52 week commitment to study the Bible and share life together for the purpose of growing in their faith. Group members do daily bible readings to prepare for the group meeting and share the responsibility of guiding the group. Our D Groups meet once a week at various times and places depending on the group members' schedules.
If  you're ready to take the challenge of walking with a D Group, contact Jonathan Lancaster ( for more information.

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