Annual Worship Team Covenant

Every year during the month of May, we begin to ask our Worship Team members 
to consider their calling and desire to continue to serve for the next year. 
This provides members with a month to pray and seek the Lord’s direction before committing together in June. 
All worship team members (band, praise team, and tech) will take part in our covenant. 
Committing will be as simple as seeking the Lord regarding your participation in our team 
and then signing the simple worship team annual covenant below.

Please take the next month and prayerfully consider your involvement in our worship team. 

You will be given an opportunity during the months of May to sign this worship team covenant below
to reaffirm your commitment for our new year of Worship Team.

In the covenant, there are options in committing whether you would like to serve August 2024-July 2025, August-December, or January-July.

There is also a form for Worship Team Rest if you feel the Lord telling you that you need a respite from serving on the team this year.

Thank you for using your gifts to exalt Christ and build up our church. I appreciate you!

Why use a year long commitment?

Seeking the Lord's Direction

  • It allows members to seek the Lord’s direction for them in serving on our team for the upcoming year and also reaffirms our personal callings to help lead our people in worship.

Reaffirmation of Unity

  • It reaffirms our unity as a team as we all commit to not only exalt Christ but work together with one another to accomplish that goal.

On Ramps

  • It creates an on ramp for new members to begin serving on the worship team. Every person on our team represents a story of God’s grace. Because of that we want as many stories of His grace as possible to be a part of our team to serve and build up Christ’s church.

Off Ramps

  • It creates an off ramp for members that need to take a rest for a season of time. There are ebbs and flows in our lives of service, health, responsibilities, and margin. This creates an opportunity for someone who needs to take a season of rest and not feel like they are letting the rest of our team down.

Worship Team Covenant


I will seek to follow Christ by being a part of either Sunday School/Life Group/D Groups (Proverbs 27:17), by attending worship when I’m not serving (Hebrews 10:24-25), and by giving to GSBC to support the ministry of the church (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). I will honor our team by being on time for rehearsal and listening to the music before we help lead it. (1 Corinthians 10:31/Psalm 33:3). I will seek to honor the Lord both publicly and privately in my life knowing that my leadership in corporate worship is a reflection upon the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 5:17-20)

Worship Team Rest