Q: What is your location?
A: Our street address is:
1351 N Brindlee Mtn Pkwy
Arab, AL 35016
We are located on Highway 231
directly across from Walmart.
Q: What are your service times?
We have three worship services:
8:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Each worship service lasts around one hour. We have Sunday School for adults and children through 5th grade at 8:15 a.m. and groups for all generations 9:30am & 10:45am.
On Wednesdays we meet at 6:15 p.m. for worship. The service typically lasts around one hour. There are offerings for all generations.
Q: What are services like?
A: Services at Gilliam are warm, engaging, and encouraging. Our worship team leads our congregation in both classic hymns and modern worship songs. Pastor Jamey preaches God’s word, typically verse by verse and book by book, with personality and application for our lives.
Q: What should I wear?
A: We believe going to church shouldn't feel like a performance and we want you to come as you feel comfortable. A worship experience doesn't hinge on appearances.
Q: What about my kids?
A: Gilliam Springs is a family-friendly place! From nursery-5th grade, all children experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. We are passionate about kids learning about Jesus and growing in their relationship with him.
For more information on Pre-School, click here.
For more information about K-5th, click here.