Worship Ministry

Psalm 118:14 
The Lord is my strength and my song, 
he has become my salvation.

To worship God is to rightfully acknowledge who He is, to surrender to Him, and to enjoy Him. That is not only true of worship in our life individually but also worship corporately as we come together weekly. Each week our worship team seeks to create an environment where our attention is directed to God, we stand in awe of Him, our affection for Him is deepened, and we joyfully answer His call.

Our worship services reflect our congregation which is a blend of all generations. We have a blended style that includes both choruses and hymns. Our desire is for the songs we sing to teach us truth about God and point our hearts to Him.

Worship Team

We welcome all who are members of Gilliam Springs and have a desire to serve to be a part of the worship team. Our worship team is open to both youth and adults. We have three different parts of the worship team - vocal, band, and tech teams. Rotations are available to serve once a month, twice a month, or every week. We have weekly rehearsals and also have music made available online to rehearse with while at home.


We have a rotation of praise team members that rotate in serving on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.


Our typical band includes acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, piano, and drums. Band Rehearsal is Sundays from 7:00am-8:00am.


Our tech team helps with the audio, lyrics, lights, and and live-streaming each service.

Worship Team Interest Form